Drinking Water Analysis

drinking water testing lab houston, tx

Public drinking water systems in the United States provide drinking water to 90% of the populace. As a result, the safety of our drinking water supply is one of the foundations of protecting the public health. North Water District Laboratory Services (NWDLS) offers expert testing and analysis of drinking water for municipalities,  well water, and commercial bottled water.

Drinking water is regulated by the EPA, states, and tribes in compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act. Water systems and bottled water manufacturers must meet strict standards set by the EPA, state, and industry regulations for the purity of drinking water provided to consumers.

Drinking Water Testing Lab

NWDLS is a Houston, TX based certified testing laboratory and has extensive experience in analyzing and testing drinking water. We have the capabilities to test for inorganic and organic contaminants, microbiologicals, metals, and radiological contaminants, meeting the parameters required by the Safe Drinking Water Act and Clean Water Act. Our services include scheduled testing, accurate, detailed reports and automated reporting of test results directly to your state’s reporting system.

Our clients include  public water supply systems (PWS), private utilities, bottled water manufacturers, engineering and  environmental firms.

For over 40 years, North Water District Laboratory Services has been a leader in the water analysis industry and we are proud to continue to set the standard in water testing and  analysis. We are committed to the highest standards of customer service quality. Our staff is professional, trained and experienced in the latest methodologies and procedures required by government and industry regulations. Call today to see how we can help you.

Not sure what to test for? Need assistance interpreting your results? Visit the following EPA website to best determine what parameters are right for you and how to proceed once you receive your results. http://water.epa.gov/drink/contaminants/

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